The passion of photography began in Korea in the mid-50's. It then began to grow by obtaining work where photography called. I live in the US, and am a curmudgeonly, irascible, male, who claims photography is his way of artistic expression. (By way of definition, to me a curmudgeon is an irascible, cantankerous, crusty old man!!! I'll leave it to those around me to define, deny, or confirm that definition.) I have worked and traveled to many places. I have lived in New Zealand, Jamaica, Nigeria West Africa, Korea. Presently, my work is that of a physician, a Forensic Pathologist who lives the life that one watches on TV in those crime scene shows. For the previous ten years, I was a Wound Care Specialist, taking care of patients in a Wound Care Center. One learns the pathos, the joys, and the disappointments of life in a very real way being involved in these types of endeavors. As an outlet to my work, I find that the beauty of nature fulfills that need. No matter where I am, there is beauty. That is true, whether it be in the people around me, or in the beauty of the world around me. My photography, if I may call it that, is to capture that world or scene in the way that I feel it. I want to be able to depict through the medium of photography what I see, what I feel, and in some ways, the meaning. Sounds strange!!! But, aren't we all, a little???